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To było grane:Akademia Art Rocka, wykład 26 (510) 15.07.2024 -  Black Sabbath - Fluff - Sabbath Bloody Sabbath 1973, Yomi Ship - Obake`s Grotto - Feast Eternal 2024, Yomi Ship - Premonitions - Feast Eternal 2024, Guitar Zet - Rock Q - Time Is Coming 2024, Guitar Zet - Galloping Fun - Time Is Coming 2024, Ice - The Voice Of Black Mountain - Man In The Moon 2024, Ice - Inside The Bulb - Man In The Moon 2024... cała playlista tradycyjnie w tym miejscu: https://www.proradio.pl/audycje-playlisty/akademia-art-rocka/10008-akademia-art-rocka