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To było zagrane: Akademia Art Rocka, wykład 19 (5023) 27.05.2024 - Black Sabbath - Fluff - Sabbath Bloody Sabbath 1973, Beautiful Skeletons - Butterfly Pinned Under Glass - Temperance 2024, Sonic Universe - Whispoer To A Scream - It Is What It Is 2024, Kings Of Leon - Rainbow Ball - Can We Please Have Fun 2024, Lucidity - Threads To Follow - Escherian 2024, Oudeziel - Reis - Oudeziel 2024, BeCollective - Butterfly Garden - EP 2024, Halma - Slow Song - Driving By The Numbers 2024
The Church - The Hypnogogue - The Hypnogogue 2023... cała playlista w tym miejscu: https://www.proradio.pl/audycje-playlisty/akademia-art-rocka/10008-akademia-art-rocka